Answers to our most common occupational therapy questions. If you have a query that isn't addressed here, feel free to reach out to us for more information.

  • Occupational therapy for kids focuses on developing skills necessary for daily activities. It helps children improve in areas such as motor skills, sensory processing, and emotional regulation.

  • If your child struggles with activities such as writing, playing, or socialising, or if they have difficulties with attention or sensory processing, occupational therapy might be beneficial. Parents can talk to their GP for additional support in determining whether OT is right for their child.

  • Occupational therapy can benefit children of all ages - no age is too early! We work with kids aged 0-17 years old.

  • Even though we have mainly worked with children since opening in 2018, we are widening our offering to all ages! If people contact us and we can support, we will (we have support clients as old as 98!). Otherwise, we will refer you on to a team who are best equipped to help you achieve your goals.

  • We’re dedicated to empowering your child across a spectrum of developmental areas. We work with children facing challenges in sensory processing, emotional regulation, play skills, behaviour management, motor skills (fine, gross, and visual-motor integration), attention and concentration, school readiness, and social communication skills.

  • Sessions generally last around 45 minutes to an hour, depending on the child's needs and goals.

  • Absolutely! In fact, Moment by Moment is a completely mobile and telehealth clinic. We bring therapy to you - whether that's in your home, at school, or in your local community space (we love outdoor spaces). We currently service Sydney City, Waterloo, and surrounding areas. If you're unsure whether your location is covered, feel free to reach out to us for more information.

  • We conduct regular assessments and progress reviews to monitor your child's development and adjust the therapy plan accordingly. We also value your feedback and insights.

  • We encourage active involvement from parents during our sessions! Our family-centric approach aims to empower both the child and their family, and parent engagement is highly valued. We love working with families who are ready to lean into the many layers of developmental learning – what you do outside of therapy can make a huge difference in getting great results. We'll equip you with additional tools, resources, and support to help you continue to foster your child's independence beyond your booked therapy sessions.

  • Absolutely! We have worked extensively with children living with Autism Spectrum Disorders, sensory processing concerns, cerebral palsy, ADHD, and other developmental delays. Our Director & Lead OT, Samantha, has completed many post-graduate courses and techniques, especially in the areas of sensory processing, behaviour, Autism, and ADHD, including:

    The SOS approach to feeding course in 2015 (including the specific Autism program),

    The Cognitive Orientation to Daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) in 2016,

    The Collaborative for Leadership in Ayres’ Sensory Integration (CLASI): Certificate Program in Ayres’ Sensory Integration, in 2019.

Ready to begin your child’s therapy journey?

Let’s explore how Moment by Moment supports your child’s development.